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World Class Manufacturing

Capability Quality Facilities Supply Chain Locations


Bao'an Campus


Fortron/Source’s original 80,000 square feet factory opened in 1989. It was tooled to support small runs of high mix products. Capabilities included ICT and auto test as well as PCB and final assembly.

Today, Shenzhen has more than 1,000,000 square feet of manufacturing space available with over 5000 employees. It supports large production runs of products including ICT, auto test as well as PCB and final assembly.


Shenzhen has acquired world wide agency recognition including the CCC requirement for sales in China.

World logistics are easily assessable through either Hong Kong or Shenzhen ports.


Fortron/Source supports all factories and facilities with established procurement organizations located in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and the USA.

Fuyong Campus

Fuyong is our newest and largest manufacturing facility. Fuyong is fully self-contained with employee dormitories, cafeterias, recreation facilities, and back-up power generators.

World logistics are easily assessable through either Hong Kong or Shenzhen ports.


The Fuyong facility is located only 10 minutes from the Shenzhen International Airport.


The Fuyong Campus hosts all the needs of power conversion manufacturing including SMT, through hole, ICT, ATE, auto insertion, final assembly, and magnetic manufacturing.


The Fuyong Campus has 190,000 square feet in 8 buildings. It is set up especially to manufacture power supplies and other associated power conversion technologies.


Fortron/Source has structured each campus facility to a specific market segment and has optimized the manufacturing technologies associated with each segment. Every campus is a highly efficient entity.

This approach lends itself to focusing on individual customers, while still being able to support multiple customers, and not jeopardize individual needs or intellectual property.

Our campus organization has made Fortron/Source a leader in the manufacturing of high volume adaptors and PC supplies as well as multi KVA products.